
Monday, 27 July 2015

WELCOME to Term 3

26th of July 2015

Dear parents and caregiver,

Welcome back for another exciting and fun filled term of learning.

Term 3 is looking like a busy term. Children will be involved in a range of activities such as Life Education Programme, the Zoo-fari, Inter school Sports tournament, Material World Science activities, continuing the Reading Buddy with room 3, and few inquiry projects. The theme for this term – Is it right? Is it fair?  The value focus for term 3 is social justice.

Below are the main areas of study to be covered for this term-

Learning Areas
Reading materials and online sites focus on Social Justice. Working in groups for inquiry and projects.
Differentiated levels, outcomes and activities in Number.
In strand study, the first three weeks focus on Geometry and Measurement and the seven weeks on Statistics and Probability
Material World: Matters and Properties
exploration and experimentation of different materials, finding out how they differ and fair testing
Issues, challenges and implications of social justice
Health- Life Education about Growth and Development
PE- Large balls and Winter Sports games
Strand: Sacraments for 5 weeks
                Church for 4 weeks
                 Prayer for a week

Visual Arts: Picasso’s work on Cubism
Dance:  Liturgical Dance
Drama: skit and role play on Social Justice
Music: RE songs
Weekly Spelling words
Read variety of books or online ebook at least 30 minutes every night
Write 2 book reviews
To finish unfinished class activities and exercises in Maths, Reading, RE, Inquiry activities or Science projects

Dates to remember:

Life Education:  July 27- 30
Zoo-fari trip:  Aug 13 Thursday
Inter School Sports Tournament: 24th Aug Monday saving day 31st of Aug

Visit our class website to view the detailed outline of the teaching and learning happening in room 4.

Thank you for your support.  Please do not hesitate to contact me either in person or through the school office should you have any queries or concerns. 

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Cochrane

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Minions in Pleasantville

Somewhere far, far away, in a far, far away land, there is a little town called, Pleasantville. In this town everyone is happy and joyful. I wonder why? Anyway, Pleasantville is one of the safest places to be in the whole universe. There is no anger, arguments or violence. Do you want to know why? Do you want to go there?  Every day the whole town comes together and has a big feast for wonderful weather, good luck and for a happy day.
Here are the citizens of Pleasantville that will tell you who they are and what their personalities are.
The minions will tell you who are their inspiration and the qualities they possess.  These qualities are aspired by sportsmen, inventors, scientists, writers or ordinary people who want to do extraordinary things. 

by: Maranita

Minions in Pleasantville

  by: Caitlyn

  by: MikaylayTino